Alfred M. Boyajian vs. Georgia (DNR, City of Atlanta)

Court document December 9, 2009 NEW

Complaint in PDF July 6, 2009

Letter to Georgia Assistant Attorney General July 6, 2009

During the past 4 of 32 years in Georgia the City of Atlanta and GA DNR have illegally campaigned to dislodge my private cat endeavor. Despite appeal and compromise efforts, I've been forced to seek injunctive relief to protect my constitutional private property and civil rights from being usurped by government entities.

I refuse to be run-off by municipal intimidation or financial impracticality in my retirement years. This lawsuit will have ramifications nationwide as the issues involved are similar to many others, past and present, where governments have attempted to arbitrarily marginalize or deny citizens of their right to own exotics animals.

I encourage everyone (especially in Georgia) who has suffered similar abuses to contact me or my attorney below as we could use your thoughts on we could amend this lawsuit and other legal strategies.


Fred Boyajian
Premier Wildlife Reserve
800-251-5800 x 108
404-873-9993 fax

Ms Cameron McCord
Jones & Walden, LLC
Attorneys at Law
21 Eighth Street, NE
Atlanta, GA 30309
Ph: 404/564-9300
Fax: 404/564-9301

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